Our community

Meet our Board of Directors
Chair: Heather Wang
Vice Chair: Christine Anderson
Secretary: Missy Ricord
Treasurer: Andrew Klamm
Nicole Volker
Jess Bengtson
Amy Thompson Theis
Lydia Stephens
Darcy Pester
Andrea Reed
Cassie Rudie
Randal Bergquist
Anna Erickson
Meet our Staff
Executive Director: Elizabeth Boucher
Administrative Assistant: Becky Cymbaluk
United Way of Crookston
The role of the Board is to make policy in areas of finance, personnel, and legal issues and to provide leadership in setting the vision and developing goals for the organization. These volunteers serve for three year terms and take part in the various events throughout the fundraising campaign.
Executive Director:
The United Way Executive Director is a paid, part time position. The Executive Director acts as the liaison between the UW Board and the agencies we serve. They are ultimately responsible for the campaign and fundraising efforts. The Executive Director presents Leader training, is a Leader for the larger businesses in Crookston and generally promotes the United Way.
Office Staff:
One part time staff person is available to assist the Executive Director. Office staff is responsible for depositing, setting up all campaign packets and tracking funds received during campaign.